Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Thursday, February 20, 2014

LFA-Iowa Donation Update & FTP Test

I have my first donations!  Many thanks to the Smidt's and First Community Bank.   Ok, it's only $150, but its' a start.  My flyer is complete.   I need to get it printed on glossy paper and posted at the YMCA and a few other places around work to see if I get any hits.

I did my FTP test for the 2nd time this week today.  Hey, if you don't like your results...just keep testing.  It's not a bad 1 hour workout anyway by itself.  I hit 307 Watts for 20 minutes, which is 292 @ 95%.  HR average was 161, so I clearly am still just short on strength and fatigue resistance.  I have some good headroom as far as cardio.

It tells me that I just need to keep working.  HT good news is the first time I tested at the end of Dec. My average HR was 168.  4 weeks ago it was 166 at 1W lower FTP.  So I'm getting more fit, even if I'm unable to generate more power.  I have to keep in mind too that my training has been gradual and focused more on zone 2 & 3 efforts, not zone 4 threshold.  I'll start to change that now that I've ramped up my weekly mileage.  Add more intensity.  I'm dropping my running load significantly getting over this Achillies injury.  The injury does seem to be responding to reduced miles, the strength exercises and anti-inflammatories.  But I'm not out of the woods yet.  I'm going to claw my way back to around 45mpw, and not worry about the long runs for now and use a brick run to simulate runs on fatigued legs.  The focus will be IM pace for the next 4 weeks with only some shorter tempo efforts if I'm feeling up to it.  In my build periods, I'll bring back some more intervals to prepare for my 70.3, then focus on distance and IM pace this summer for my IM.

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