Normally, this type of post is usually negative after a bad race, injury, time off. But for a change, its' positive. Reflecting on what I accomplished on Sunday, I'm realizing that I may have underestimated myself. Fellow triathlete Josh Madsen has been telling me this all Spring...especially on the bike. I've always know that I can expect a solid bump from where I'm at in training to what I do in a race. But the bump was bigger than expected. Sometimes you have to "go for it" a little to test yourself, and I think that's what I did. Especially on the run. I'm not saying throw all caution to the wind, but go just a little beyond your comfort level and well beyond the pace you've tried before. When I hit the 10k mark Sunday on the run, I was in uncharted territory. I had gone faster than my 10k split form Hyvee by 1 minute and was only about 30 seconds slower than my Lake Geode split from last July. I was cruising, but I kept seeing my pursuer pushing it as well. I dug in the the last 5 miles and dug deeper the last 5k. I don't think I went that deep into the pain cave, but I was right at the entrance, taking a long look inside.
So where does that leave me for the rest of the season?
It means that it's time to update my goals.
1) IM Wisconsin - I'm not just trying to KQ at IMWI anymore. I'm ready to send a message. I'm now looking at winning the age group and going <9:30. Hell... sub 9:25! Maybe even trying for a sub 3 marathon. The last part is highly ambitious. If I'd run a 1:20 or 1:19 Sunday, maybe not so much. But I also felt like I wasn't all that far from those times either. I wasn't breathing hard until the last 5k. My legs felt fresh up to mile 7. I was fully in control. That could put me right at the #3 amateur spot. Why is that important? Because it's one of the options to qualify for your elite status with USAT. Looking at last year's results. The 3rd place amateur male went 1:04/5:05/3:05. Right exactly where I think I can be if I nail my execution, stay consistent in my training and pace the bike and run well. I might even be able to swim a little better than that, but I don't want to set myself up to fail. This isn't an ideal time to go after a swim focus now. I need run mileage, bike mileage and I'll take whatever swim improvements I can get. So lets go with 1:02/5:03/3:06 - 9:20. I think that's contingent on running a 1:20 at Steelhead.
2) Steelhead - 4:09 - Run a 1:20
3) Geode - 1:58
4) Hyvee - 1:58
I'm looking forward to a pre-ride this weekend with Daniel Bretscher. He's graciously offered to ride a couple laps with me. It's much appreciated and should be a lot of fun. I wonder if that could have been me 7-8 years ago if I had been a little better runner and swimmer in High School. Probably not, I don't think I can get my engine quite that big. But it's fun dreaming a little.
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