Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up 11/10/14

Not a great week.  Finished up a period of not swimming, cycling or running.  Just strength training and yoga.  No real chance in my ITB.  So piss on that!  I started swimming and cycling again.  I think the stretch cords are helping, but it will be a long slow process to strengthen that hip, and then get the swelling down.

I did try out my Hokas.  As usual, I had no issue going 2 miles without pain after a warm-up with the stretch cords, stretching and rolling first.   But the next day, just 0.5mi in and I was done.   Oh well.  Just stick with the PT process and hope for the best.  I'll just really focus on the bike and swim.

As for the Hoka Cliftons.  I like them.  I can't give a full review as I'm fat and out of running shape, so I'm just slow.  I guess I can't complain as "slow" is still an 8:00 pace at 140bpm HR.  But 3 months ago, that was 7:15-7:20.

By the numbers:
Swim: 7350y, 1h43m
Bike: 88mi, 4h39m
Run: 2.9mi, 0h26m
Strength: 3h10m
TOTAL: 9h58m
TSS: 533

The good news is my massage therapist is back form vacation and I have a appointment tomorrow.  I might need another 30m session next week and maybe keep going once a week until things clear up a bit.


  1. Do you calculate TSS for strength training, if so, how? I'm trying to leverage the PMC much more for next season and with the added strength training right now - I am wondering how much that might affect it.

    1. I just take a best estimate. I figure it's roughly a zone 2 effort on average. I figure around 45-50 TSS/hr. I even use slightly lower for Yoga, 35-40 TSS/hour. I just want to capture that there is some metabolic cost to it that adds to my training load overall, so I can more accurately track CTL and TSB. I know for example, that when I get to around -40TSB... I'm near my limit and I need to back off. The 120-140TSS I get from 4 strength sessions adds up. I even will put a since entry each week in for using stretch cords for my ITB recovery.
