Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Training Update 03/25/15

Ooops, it's been a couple weeks without updates.  The 4 or 5 folks that follow this regularly will be wondering what happened.  Life got in the way.  Family. yard work, coaching, job searches, job interviews...and well, I've been training!

Recovery cut a little short since I missed a few workouts at the end of the last block.  Normally my training would get more specific, and some sessions have, but I feel like my base just wasn't there, so I'm really increasing the volume to get to where I need to be to perform well and be able to taper properly.  Bottom line, too few long rides and not enough consistent run mileage is showing.

The best news, the ITBS seems to be in the rear view mirror.  I'd say I'm 99% at this point.  I still need to pay attention to stretching it out before and after runs, but after a 13 miler yesterday, it's fine, nothing.  I learned a LOT from that injury.  So I can take that away.  As usual, better now, than have that show up mid summer 4 months out from an IM.

By the numbers:

Week starting 3/16-
Swim - 2h15m, 9975y
Bike - 6h24m, 133mi
Run - 2h37m, 21.3mi
TOTAL - 11h16m
TSS - 769

Week starting 3/23 -
Swim - 2h07m, 9250y
Bike - 11h13m, 223
Run - 4h55m, 39.5mi
TOTAL - 1815
TSS - 1097

OK, clearly not a lot of intensity there.  I've lost my bike legs, or my FTP has likely slid a little, but I'm leaving it where it is for now.  My HR still correlates well to it, I think the increased running load is having an impact.  Once my running stabilizes, then it will get easier to ride harder.  I'm also cutting back on my swimming a little.  I swam more this week, but mainly trying to focus on 3-4 quality sessions to really focus on mechanics and put in more bike volume.  Looking back, I had a lot of junk yards last year.  While that adds to the overall training load, I'd be better off cycling more...maybe.  A tricky balance.  However, cycling can be my strength and I want to be able to take advantage of it.  Meaning, if I can gain a few more watts and my revised position and trisuit prove more aero, then I can be laying down some top shelf amateur bike splits.  I'll never be able to say that about running or swimming.  Just not that strong in either one.  Fortunately, not weak in them either.

1 comment:

  1. I am a numbers guys as well and love your attention to detail. Really great blog. Keep the updates coming. Looking forward to following your progress to Kona buddy.
