Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up 3/27/15

2nd week of taper.  Had some very solid workouts that put me on the right track to be ready in terms of specificity.  I avoided too much speed work running and decided to sustain mileage instead.  At the end of the week my swimming came together and I'm feeling almost as fast as I was back in Dec. and Jan.  I'm feeling good that I can shave off maybe 20s on the swim, and 60s on the bike.  That might be enough to put me in the lead in T2... then juts bury myself running to hold on...despite my extra 3-4lbs.  I put on my race wheels today and felt fast, really fast on a short ride.  24mph average on a very hilly course with a solid headwind out with road helmet and cycling jersey and rear blinker.  I figure there's 8-10W of extra drag there.  So rather than 275W NP, it was equivalent to 265W NP.  So at 310W NP... it should be pretty darn quick.  Using Lake Geode as a benchmark, it says at 265WNP, I'm at 24.29mph (hmmm, pretty close).  So if I can bury myself and lay down 310W NP, that's 25.95mph.   Now I think i have my "goal weight" in there... so we'll say 25.8mph.  So if last year I was 281W NP and just a little less aero, then it will be close.  I was 1.1 mph slower than the winner last year.  He set a course record. It will be interesting.

Overall a solid week, that "tapers" from the previous week.  I bumped up swim volume and I think it's paid off.  I'm thinking I cna do 3-4 "maintenance swims" and week, then 3 weeks out, bump up volume and see a small boost in swim pace/fitness while at hte same time letting my legs recover and easing back run volume and then bike load.

By the Numbers:

Swim: 16,100y, 3h39m
Bike: 154mi, 8h08m
Run: 31.2mi, 3h51m
Total: 15h39m
TSS: 1026

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly wrap-up 04/20/15

I went a little "off script" and decided that my fitness just wasn't where I wanted it for a proper taper.   So I kept the mileage up and in particular added a 2nd longer ride taking advantage of the awesome weather.  it seems to have paid off and I had a awesome interval ride indoors Sunday where I nearly matched my best 20' power without even feeling like I was pushing it that hard.   Set a 30' power record.  It really surprised me.  But shouldn't have been a total shock as I set a 5' power record last week.  But I expected to be a little more flat.  

What I learned is that maybe sometimes, I need more Z1ish recovery rides late in a week, rather than trying to force Z2 and not being fresh enough to really push the harder interval rides.  I also realize what I already knew, that long rides are critical.   Not necessarily 4+ hour rides, but at least some 3+ hour rides with a lot of it at tempo.   Basically getting in some solid 180-210TSS efforts 1-2x a week.  Bury yourself a little in terms of energy system and some leg fatigue.  But your body adapts and you recover faster the following week.

This week I'll dial back the volume but keep up the intensity going in to the race week.  I'll do a couple bricks if possible.  But honestly, I've never had any issue running well off the bike... at all.  I actually run way too fast.  But my legs always feel pretty good.  Even yesterday after a solid 0.93IF ride with lots of Z5 efforts, I got off and jumped on the treadmill and 10mph was no problem, I added incline*** to make it harder and take some load off the wimpy little motor it has.  

***Sidenote - adding incline on a treadmill reduces it's load up to around maybe 5-6%, then the motor has to perform dynamic braking to slow you down.  In case you cared.  Set the treadmill at a 5-7% incline and step on it.   Notice the belt freewheels and you can start walking on it.  They make treadmills with no motor that operate specifically this way.

I'm feeling more encouraged about Trizou.  the only thing holding me back is my 166lbs.  Not fat, but not the 161-163 where I've race at before.  Oh well.  I'm not stressing about it.  Too much stress outside of training and October is still 6 months off.... and my other coaches at TBC are apparently falling apart in terms of running.  So it might end up being a drag race to T2 that a brutal 26.2miles of survival.  Which, lets be honest, pretty well describes any IM and Kona in particular.  But I think I can hold power over 300W for 30 minutes and set a very fast time.  Enough to get to the line 1st?   Depends on who shows up and what kind of bike/run form they have.  Maybe a fish that can bike then run at least 6:00 pace will show up, you never know.

By the numbers:

Swim:  11,000y, 2h31m
Bike: 241mi, 11h28m
Run: 39.5mi, 4h51m
TOTAL: 18h49m
TSS: 1212

I think this about matched my highest TSS and total hours so far this year.  So not a taper by definition.  More like a desperate attempt to make it an A- race and get some much needed fitness in.  Plus it's about looking ahead at races like Racine, Pigman and or course Kona.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up 04/15/15

Recovery Week!

Not much to report.  Tested threshold run pace and it's estimated down to 5:55 now.  Still a long way from the 5:45 I was at last year, but improving.  New 5' power record that reflects a 315W FTP.  But I struggled on the FTP test as I attempted it too soon after eating dinner.  Ooops.  Oh well.  I'll keep it at 310W for now.  My paces in training seem to better reflect that number.  Slow steady progress.

The pool is back to normal April misery.  Just as last year, it's being mismanaged and temperature is prioritized over breath-ability (humidity) so the old folks don;t much.  I'ts tolerable with the dewpoint under 75F, but when over that, performance fall off fast.  Really frustrating ot see all that swim fitness go away.   But that's how it is in Keokuk, IA.  I'm hoping I get that job in Quincy, IL so I have an excuse to use their long course pool a couple days a week.   Two 4-5k swim there a week would probably be better than the 5-6 low quality 2000-3000 yard swims I'm doing now.  I was killing it back in Dec and Jan.   I'm going to have a talk again with the YMCA director.  I understand that the heating system controls don;t work, so they have limitations, but there has to be a better compromise.  The old people will still be able to splash around in their classes if it's 74F, instead of of 77F, but I'll be able to breath.

Lets break this down for those spoiled with proper lap pools.

PROPER LAP POOL - Water temp - 75-78F, Air temp 78-82F, RH 60%
COMPROMISE (Multiuse pool) - Water Temp - 80-82F, Air Temp 80-84F, RH 60-80%RH
Keokuk YMCA - Water temp 83-85F, Air Temp 70-90F, RH 70-99%.

Minimum fresh air should be 5% setting, if not 10%.  Pool should be negative pressue to surrounding building.

Now I understand that mid summer, you have limitations, but the RH can still be under 90% if set-up properly.  The water temp can be reduced then to to offset and reduce evaporation.

Keep in mind that outdoor, the dewpoint (when RH is 99%, air temp ~ dewpoint) rarely gets over 75F in SE Iowa, 80F dewpoint happens 1-2x per year.

Enough Venting.  \

By the numbers:
Swim - 1h59m, 8450y
Bike - 6h14m, 113mi
Run - 2h31m, 20.6mi
TOTAL - 10h43m
TSS - 673

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up

Not quite the week I had planned, but maybe that was a little over ambitious.   Missed a swim..and a few were short, so swimming was not good.  But I biked 249miles, 12 hours of riding!   So that's something.   Nice getting outdoors again.

Overall I'm suspecting that I'm just lacking the overall base I had last year.  It's coming back, I'm really being held back by leg fatigue and energy levels in harder bike sessions.  No need to panic.  Based on the average speeds I'm seeing, I suspect my improved position is just a tad more aero, so I'm at least making the most out of the power I have.

Weight management is still not great.  I'm not going backwards, but still limited improvement.  It's hurting my running, but not as much as I thought it might.  So again, no panic.  Just put in good work stay focused as much as I can and it will get there.

Overall, I have a good foundation heading into taper for my first "A" race.  OK really an important race, but as I mentioned before, I just wanted ot see how I could do in a sprint tri with a full base/build/peak directed towards that distance.   Unfortunately I wasn't able to put together some of the quality rides I wanted.  I'll get a few of those in the last 2 weeks.  Some of those adaptations occur pretty quickly it seems.  I revised my FTP to 310W.  My HR still says it's pretty close to 315, but I just don't have the legs to push that.  I barely have the legs to push 290W.  But again, those long rides are important, and I haven;t been doing any since last summer.

By the numbers:
Swim: 1h33m, 6750y
Bike: 12h10m, 249mi
Run: 5h37m, 45.8mi
TOTAL: 19h20m
TSS: 1181

Friday, April 3, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up 04/03/15

A little late again.

Last week went well.  Traveled to Michigan over the weekend, but still put in some solid training despite travel.

By the numbers:

Swim - 2h29m, 10,900y
Bike - 10h20m, 201mi
Run - 5h28m, 44.2mi
TOTAL - 18h16m
TSS - 1136

So much for my early season swim goal.  Just trying to maintain my technique and pace at this point.
In terms of training load, I'm at the same point as last year, but my FTP is a little higher.  I'm also focused more on short course right now, so my weekly hours are a lot lower, but there's a little more quality overall I think.

My running is coming along well and I feel pretty good on long runs.  Ran a solid 14mi on Monday at a 7:09 pace just edging into Zone 2 so around IM pace.... if my IM was in cool weather... and i had the fitness to sustain that pace 26.2 miles.  I might get there.  Running a 3:20 at Kona would be a solid goal at this point.  A 3:15 even better, but maybe a stretch in those conditions.  It will depend a lot on how well I pace the bike and stay on top of nutrition I think.

My bike position is finally feeling more comfortable outdoors.  I'm a little longer and lower than last year, and that takes time to adjust.  "comfort" is a relative term.  I'ts comfortable is after a 1/2 dozen 4-5 hour rides, you can hold the position, ride IM wattage, in hot conditions and not feel destroyed.  A lot of it is about relaxing yourself an getting small adjustments right so your not using much energy to hold your position.  It takes some time to adapt.  I'd say 6-8 week outdoors with a significant position change.  For some reason It's just not the same indoors.   Maybe because you can cheat and look down more, or your head doesn't need to look as far down the road.

This week is going well so far.  Will report is a few more days.