Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up 04/15/15

Recovery Week!

Not much to report.  Tested threshold run pace and it's estimated down to 5:55 now.  Still a long way from the 5:45 I was at last year, but improving.  New 5' power record that reflects a 315W FTP.  But I struggled on the FTP test as I attempted it too soon after eating dinner.  Ooops.  Oh well.  I'll keep it at 310W for now.  My paces in training seem to better reflect that number.  Slow steady progress.

The pool is back to normal April misery.  Just as last year, it's being mismanaged and temperature is prioritized over breath-ability (humidity) so the old folks don;t much.  I'ts tolerable with the dewpoint under 75F, but when over that, performance fall off fast.  Really frustrating ot see all that swim fitness go away.   But that's how it is in Keokuk, IA.  I'm hoping I get that job in Quincy, IL so I have an excuse to use their long course pool a couple days a week.   Two 4-5k swim there a week would probably be better than the 5-6 low quality 2000-3000 yard swims I'm doing now.  I was killing it back in Dec and Jan.   I'm going to have a talk again with the YMCA director.  I understand that the heating system controls don;t work, so they have limitations, but there has to be a better compromise.  The old people will still be able to splash around in their classes if it's 74F, instead of of 77F, but I'll be able to breath.

Lets break this down for those spoiled with proper lap pools.

PROPER LAP POOL - Water temp - 75-78F, Air temp 78-82F, RH 60%
COMPROMISE (Multiuse pool) - Water Temp - 80-82F, Air Temp 80-84F, RH 60-80%RH
Keokuk YMCA - Water temp 83-85F, Air Temp 70-90F, RH 70-99%.

Minimum fresh air should be 5% setting, if not 10%.  Pool should be negative pressue to surrounding building.

Now I understand that mid summer, you have limitations, but the RH can still be under 90% if set-up properly.  The water temp can be reduced then to to offset and reduce evaporation.

Keep in mind that outdoor, the dewpoint (when RH is 99%, air temp ~ dewpoint) rarely gets over 75F in SE Iowa, 80F dewpoint happens 1-2x per year.

Enough Venting.  \

By the numbers:
Swim - 1h59m, 8450y
Bike - 6h14m, 113mi
Run - 2h31m, 20.6mi
TOTAL - 10h43m
TSS - 673

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