Another solid week of abusing myself. I continued my run focus and tried to fill in what cycling and swimming I could. I fell a little short on both, but was very happy with where I'm at running. The hip still gets tight, but I rolled a 19 miles run feeling pretty strong. The Hokas seems to make a real difference and I'm not all that sore after a 2+ hour run. The consistent mileage helps a lot to. Last week I had 3 runs over 12 miles.
This week will be a lighter week as we just moved into our new home in St. Joseph, MI. I finally might get back into a routine after we unpack a forest of boxes scattered through the house. I also have a short list of home repair items, most of which I'll contract out.
Status report - THE RUN is feeling strong. The extra 4-5lbs is holding me back but at least my fitness isn't. Weight is a balancing act. On one hand, the extra weight might help me sustain energy levels late in a race. On the downside I'll burn more energy the entire time and go slower. Yes, yes, I'm trying to justify being a little fat...haha. THE BIKE is OK. Maybe a little behind where I was last year. Fewer long rides and the run volume is taking it's toll. I'm also swimming a little less, and I think that residual training load carries over to recovery capacity. I also think my position is slightly more aggressive and out on the road, holding a good aero position, it costing me a little power. But the loss of power is worth the gain is speed. It's also possible that my right leg continues to be dominant, maybe more dominant than last year. As usual, this is always the big "?" that your left with on 1 leg power. THE SWIM comes a goes. One day I'm feeling really strong and knocking out 100 repeats in 1:21-1:23 (100SCM) then other days 1:25-1:27 is a struggle. Just keep plugging away. Rather than forcing myself to complete a workout when the stroke is crap, I've been adjusting based on how I feel that day. I think it's helped prevent burn-out somewhat, but taken advantage of days when I feel great.
Racine 70.3! We'll see how this one goes. A definite "B" race. I should have some recovery with all the moving going on. On that note, I'll keep intensity higher, workouts shorter and overall reduce volume a little, but not as much as a recovery week. When possible, maintain a high frequency. My current prediction: 29-31' Swim (condition dependent), 3' T1, 2:12-2:15 Bike (might be a little optimistic looking at last years results, but we'll I'm feeling good about where my speed is at on the bike), 2' T2, 1:24-1:28 (depending on heat/humidity). That puts me between 4:11-4:18. That could be anywhere from 3rd to 10th in the age group...haha. I expect a pretty deep field as usual and spread out over 3 waves means it's just you against the clock all morning. Nutrition plan will be the same as usual. Carry 1 BTA and 1 aero bottle of sports drink (I need to buy some more), take 1 hand-up, and eat 2-3 gels for 360-400 calories per hour. If The humidity is high, I may take only 2 gels and drink another 1/3 bottle of water, the rest dump over me. On the run, I just live off the course and see how I feel. I'm getting pretty excited to race all the fast guys in the Midwest in including a couple of fellow coaches. Though both are injured a little or just coming back, they are still fast, very fast.
By the numbers:
Swim: 15,147y, 3h24m
Bike: 199mi, 9h22m
Run: 60.3mi, 7h37m
TOTAL: 20h23m
TSS: 1244
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