Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up 05/26/14

Peak week 1, the first week of taper complete.  Hit all my numbers.  It took all week to really recover from that 1/2 marathon, but I had some great bike rides.  Especially Saturday where I put on my race kit, wheels, helmet and totally killed all my previous bests for average pace and wattage over that distance.  Still a little short of where I would like ot be, but it does take time to adapt and build a cycling base.   Just as running did.

By the numbers:
Swim: 13,650y, 3h11m
Bike: 200mi, 8h47m
Run: 35.2mi, 4h14m
TOTAL: 17h22m
CTL: 1216

My Monday ride fell short.  My legs are beat from all the rides this week.   I expect they'll stay pretty fatigued through the week and won't really come around until right before the race.  My energy levels however, should really start picking up soon.  I'll actually keep building my run through the middle of this week and then actually taper.  I think this was a good plan due to the injury I had putting a dent in my run training.

Overall I'm feeling very confident about Kansas, but it will come down to good pacing, overall execution and really hitting the pain cave on the run and pushing on.  My current best projection is a 4:12 with a 28:00 swim, 3' transitions, 2:18 bike and 1:23 run.  My "dream" time is a 4:09 by dropping 1 minute off all those splits.  I'm not sure what good transitions times are either.  I'd be satisfied with a 2:15 too.  Slower than that and I don;t think I ran or biked to my potential unless there's difficult conditions that day (heat, rain, wind, humidity, non-ws)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Photos From my Race Sat. 05/17/14

Running to the finish.  My arm carry could use some work and really falls apart at the end of a race.  Though the hands a relaxed and I'm driving my arms backwards and don't appear to be crossing my centerline.  definitely a light heel striker.

Wearing the logo on my butt with pride.   This is actually the first time I've taken "the tape" at a race.  

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up 05/18/14

Recovery Week.  

By the numbers:
Swim: 2h22m, 10,150y
Bike: 4h20m, 86.3mi
Run: 4h16m, 34.8mi
TSS: 819.6

Power Test:
Thursday I performed a Sufferfest Rubber Glove test.  It went really well.  I felt pretty string and really turned myself inside out at the end.  I managed a estimated FTP of 305 by riding a 321W for 20min including 341 for 5 minutes within that effort.  So my highest yet by 3 watts and a record for 5 minutes as well.   Yes, just 1% and within margin of error of the power meter.   But hey, I felt stronger.

1/2 Marathon impact:
The race report is in the previous post.  But it's worth mentioning how trashed my legs are.  This was NOT part of the plan.  My bike ride today became a easy spin on my road bike... just 10 mile.  I'm definitely at my limit for motivation and nearing burnout.  I may try to reduce the number of workouts this week if possible and hopefully get my head clear.  

I still have a solid 90' tempo ride planned tomorrow.  It's supposed to be 49F in the morning.  I can;t decide if I'll go outdoors on ride inside.  I may venture out since I'll be stuck inside later this week... possibly this weekend.  If I have legs, I might do 3x20 instead.  I better just venture out while I have daylight and it's not raining...or too buggy.

Bottom line, energy levels are good, but motivation is a little low and leg fatigue is pretty high.  I am feeling pretty confident after that 1/2 marathon and Trizou.

For IMWI, I found out that there'a 1 less person in my AG to worry about for a AQ slot.  I'd rather not leave my fate to a roll down, and would prefer a top 4 finish, but looks like top 5 will also get it done.   This could change my strategy a little.  Meaning I ease back further on the bike, especially the 1st 1/2 and make sure I'm fueled well at that point.  Then take it easy the 1st 1/2 of the run and see where I'm at. 

Race Report - Bridge The Gap 1/2 Marathon - 05/17/14

Result: 1:17:25!   A PR by 4 minutes.

Also a 36:06 10k & 17:58 5k posted during the race.  The 10k is a PR by over 30 seconds beating my Lake Geode time from last July.

Earlier this season BTG had been on my calandar, but with my daughters dance recital and family comming into town, it was out.  Then my family had to rescehdule their visit, the dance recital was in the evening... so I was back in.   My achillie was feeling good, run mileage was back up, and it was a recovery week, so I was resetd enough to have a good time and reduce the risk of injury.

The Plan:
Looking at least years results, it was a soft field, so I was hoping to go out a little hard to start up front, then be able to cruise a solid tempo pace and get some good metrics for Kansas 70.3.  I hadn;t run more than 12 miles since early Feb. when i got injured, but mileage had gottne back up to 45mpw and run CTL above where it was before the injury.

My usual breakfast before a race of Greek yogurt with honey, a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter, a banana, and a couple cups of coffee.   I then had two 20oz bottles of my own sprots drink mix.  I think in hindsight, the 2nd bottle should have been just water.  I then had 1 gel before hte start with no plans of eating anything and maybe just a few sips of water during the race.  Not really nessesary to even drink on a cool 80 minute race.  The 2000 or so calories stored as glycogen plus some fat burned are plenty for that distance as well.

The Race:
The course is moderately hilly.  Only a few completely flast sections, a bunch of false flats and a few descent climbs.1288ft on my garmin.  Course looks pretty accurate.  It showed slightly short, but I was losing my GPS signal on the 2nd bridge crossing (iron overhead) and it was reading the distance short there.

The course goes right up the bluff from the start, an 80ft climb over maybe 200 yards.  I shot to the front, and hearing a gap eased up just a little up the hills.  I think I let one guy run just past me at one point in that 1st 1/2 mile, but rolled past and from that point, never really looked back.  I threw in a couple sures on a few of hte first hills in that frist 3 miles, but otherwise held a pretty steady pace.  It ultimately was too fast, but actually not far off.  I held about a 5:40-45 pace, right at threshold for most of the first 6 miles.   I put a 1/2 mile gap on 2nd.  He turned out to be in the 10k and I was all alone then.  

THe route turned downhill and it was one of the hardest parts of the course.  I caught 5k lap traffic and had ot d oa little dodging.  One more descent climb through a park after that along wiht 1 more quad killing downhill and it was mostly flast after that with jsut a few very gentle rollers.  By that point, the fatigue of the fast pace was setting in.   I was never breathing very hard, but my HR was running pretty high and my legs were feeling it.  I eased back a little a cruised at around a 6:15-6:20 for a while.  In the last 3 miles i picked it back up ot 6:00, then gave it a little surge the final mile, but a 5:50 pace was abotu all my legs had left without going to the "pain cave".  No need for heroics that I'd pay for in training the next week. 

I ended up winning by 10 minutes, the 1st female was the next one in.  I jokingly told a few guys that all the "dudes" owned me a beer for saving their a** on this one.

Pretty cool having Jackie Joyner-Kersee greeting you at the finish line.  Just a cool getting to take the banner at the finish.  I've never gotten to do that before.  I went with the grab it and hold it over your head move.

The support from the other runners passing the opposite way was awesome.  A little ego stroking always keeps you legs moving quicker.  It just feels good to have your hard work pay off.

I love my Saucony A6's!  ... and my Swiftwicks! Not a single blister.  I held an average cadence of 94 over the whole run, whih probably means 95-97 on the flats and a little lower up hills and downhills.   HR wa high, maybe just the excitement, too much caffine, lots of rest this week (overreaching n training causes low HR's), a little too much nutrition before the start. 

My tri suit overall feels great.  I have some chaffing on the back of the right leg just below the but from the cycling pad.  I'll have to add more body glide there, or even use some nuskin.  Chamois cream should help a little too.  I'm really liking wearing a visor.  Keep the sweat out of your eyes sub off you face, helps remind you to keep you head up I think as well.  Plus it's a nice color coordinated accessory.

Overall a 4' PR is pretty big.  I felt really, really good the first 6 miles.  I think a 1:15 is possible for me.  A 5:45 should be my target pace in the Olympic distance... or about a 35:30.  IF doing an open 10k, I think a low 34 is possible.  A low 16 in the 5k is on my radar too. 

Next up is Kansas 70.3.  I'll start some heat acclimtization this week by overdressing a little in my workouts.  Better safe, than sorry in this one.  Today I'll try and scrape out a short run and a 1 hour tempo ride.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up 05/11/14

My last build period is behind me.  I hit my highest fitness level for this 1/2 of the season.  I'll peak my run in a couple weeks.   That taper will be delayed a little due to my previous injury.   But overall, now it's time for a little recovery, then a 3 week steady taper period before Kansas.

By The numbers:
Swim: 3h08m, 13,300y
Bike: 9h48m, 207mi
Run: 5h28m, 44.8mi
TOTAL: 20h26m (including strength and walking)
TSS: 1329
CTL ALL: 162.5
CTL Run: 44.1
CTL Bike: 73.3

Overall a solid training week.  My legs were pretty well shelled for cycling and running by the end of the week.  So I'm pretty satisfied overall.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up 05-04-14

By the Numbers:

Swim: 3h08m, 13550y
Bike: 6h07m, 131mi
Run: 3h35m, 31.2mi
TSS: 1005

A solid start to the week. I performed a short taper before Trizou, but my legs were still flat on the bike.  I felt great running.  The A6's are awesome.  No blisters either!  I tried on some Kinvara 5's and they feel great.  I'll get a pair maybe after Kansas. They could be my shoe for IMWI.  Exactly what I was looking for.

One more build week, then I start my taper.

2014 Trizou Race Report

Race morning:
Woke up, at 4:20AM and had a greek yogurt with honey, 2 homemade blueberry scones.  The coffee maker was broken, so I picked up one at a nearby gas station.

Drank 1-1/2 bottles of my own sports drink mix + 1 gel with caffine.  I made hte mistake of drinking a bunch of water before swim warm-up.  I think I should have skipped the gel and extra water.  I was a little bloated on the run and possibly impacted the bike.
Warm-up was 5 minutes easy jog, some strides, then 600y swim mixed pace.

We had to wait in the water for a while.  I'm so used to 85F water combined with some nerves and I was shaking.  But off we went.  I went out fast, faded hard and found a rythem.  I didn't fade as bad as before, but just don't have the feel of my water I had 3-4 weeks ago.  I'll have to work hard the next few weeks with drills to get that back.  My pace overall was very good. 1:14/100y.  TIME: 6:11 (400M) 13 seconds faster than last year.  Not bad, as that's about 3 seconds faster per 100y.

Solid transition.  I made up my 3 sec gap to Kevin Nickes, and held there next to him.  No issues with my helmet and getting out.  The rubber bands didn't go perfectly but it was still a lot faster.   Fastest T1 on the day! 1:25

I held just behind Nickel the first mile out then made a pass on the flat before the downhill sweeper, hoping to carry momentum up the hill and hold a solid pace from there.  That didn't happen.  I got passed 1/2 way up the hill, and he never looked back.  I didn't have the legs to hold pace, but looking my power numbers I was capable of it, but i could convince my mind to ignore the fatigue and HTFU.  My overall power was 267 Average, 284NP.   Pretty weak for me. I've ridden harder than that for 60 minutes indoors on the trainer.  I felt like I was going a LOT harder.  Specifity?  That being said, I held a solid pace I think for those power numbers, so my work on position and little details are paying off. 33:21 (GPS says 13.2mi).  No splits last year, but I suspect this was almost 2 minutes faster.

T2: I came screaming into transition.  Hit the ground pretty fast and just kept control of my bike.  Got it rackeed, shoes on pretty quick and I was off.   Faster T2 of the day! 1:06

I found my rythem pretty quick.  I was told one guy was 15 seconds up.  I knew he was a "fish" so I was guessing that he wasn't a strong runner.  Kevin was now 45 sec up, so unless he blew up, he was long gone.  I settled into a steady pace and started closing the gap.  I caught him around mile 1.5, paced him for a while then made a solid pace I knew would be hard ot match. He accelerated for a few hundred feet, but I countered and I was gone.  He was breathing really hard and I felt like I was at a fast Tempo, maybe open 1/2 marathon or Olympic pace.  I picked it up a bit in the final 1/4 miles and cruised on home. 15:52  (rumor is its 2.9 miles) That's a 5:30 pace.  No splits last year, but I suspect this was almost 1 minute faster.

UPDATE... it's 2.8 miles based on another racer's GPS file.  So that was a 5:40 pace.  I'll take that.  It felt like threshold to me.  Lets hope I can run 5:40's at Geode and Hyvee.  That would be a 35:08.  Not necessarily a stretch since I went under 37 at Geode last year.

Overall: 57:53 .   3 minute PR!!!

I felt like I could have held that for 3.2 more miles if needed.  I also feel like I could have held that bike pace for 11 more miles.  Overall I think I validated the training I've done the last 4 months.  Cruising the run will allow me put in some solid runs this week and finish my Kansas 70.3 prep.  Onward and upward.

Overall a great result and validation that my training is delivering results.