Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Lupus Foundaton of America, Iowa Chapter Donations

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2015 Goals, Race Schedule and Annual Training Plan

No time like the present to start looking ahead towards next year.   Sure I'm still doing unstructured training this week (doing what I feel like, no real goals, mostly lower intensity) in a transition period.  But that changes next week...well sort of.  Following "The Training Bible", the start of any ATP is a preparation period.   Then, ideally, 3 base periods, 2 build periods and a taper.  So roughly, a nice even 6 months to a "A" race. Then, you can take a break (Transition) and then do it all over again, but wit ha shorter base period, since you just recovering some of the base you gave up for the 1st A Race.

Tentatively I'm putting the following race out still pending spousal approval.  I listed the Race, category (A/B/C), date, goals/notes.

New Orleans (A) 70.3 - 4/12  (finish <4:10, swim <29, run <1:21)

Trizou Sprint (B) - 05/03 (Time <57:00, win the race...finally beat Kevin in a sprint race..very hard to do)

Galena Triathlon (B) - 5/17 (fun super hilly bike & run course, cold swim, longer run... a real runners tri.  Goal - win it.  This race is around our wedding anniversary and made for a nice getaway.  Plus FWIM-0 You can clean-up on USAT points in this race.  Early season, super hilly, cold swim, longer transitions, long run)

Holiday Lake (C+) - 6/7 (I can't taper for everything... but I'll only be into my 1st week of a 4 week build, so I should race pretty well... Goal = Win!  Ideally, crush the rolling bike course and cruise the insanely hilly run)

Pigman Sprint? (C+) - 6/8 - (I've never done a "double" race weekend. It is the Iowa World Championships after all, so I probably should make an appearance and let the local/regional pros put me in my place)

Keokuk Y-Athlon (Duathlon?) (C) - 6/20? - not sure on the date here.   Would still like to change the course and make it a little more unique.  Even a duathlon might be a good idea and do the transition in Rand Park and shorten the bike by 1 mile.  Maybe do multiple laps of the newly repaved grand avenue for the run.  Might get more interest as a Du and it could be mass start too.

Steelhead 70.3 (B) - 08/09 - (no specific goals, other than a PR for that course, maybe beat my bike watts and otherwise put together a solid race and get some more OWS experience, enjoy the beach, enjoy the day and visit family.  I might try and get more of my family out there.   If nothing else, a chance to try and pad my USAT rankings...haha.

Pigman Long Course (B)- 08/16 - (Another shot at a double.  This one would I would do as a tactical race I think.  Try and make the chase swim pack, hang on near the front on the bike and see what my legs have left on the run)

Iowas Best Dam Triathon (C) - 09/13?  Might be a fun one near me to race.  One final little "test & tune" before the Big Island at the end of my final build.  Not bad timing really.

2015 Ironman World Championship,  Kailua-Kona, Hawaii  (A+++) 10/10 - The BIG ONE!  Goals: have a nice relaxing swim <1:03.  Have a solid bike, hydrate well and don't get overheated, bike a little conservative.  See what my legs give me on the run... go out slow this time.  Everyone is fast, expect to be passed a lot the first 14 miles.  Slow and steady, easy run pace, hydrate, refuel, stay cool, no walking.  See what my legs have left the last 10k.  

Few other Kona items:   Since most of my race are WS legal, I might be well off getting a tri-suit with sleeves otherwise get some practice rolling it up in transition and using a swim skin.  Plus the the short sleeves will give my more sun protection, so only my neck and face is a real concern and I could try arm coolers too.

Training Goals:
1) Increase power by 3% to 317W FTP. (308W now).  That would put me at 232NP for Kona @ 0.73IF.  Same NP but overall a slightly easier ride than IMWI.  Theoretically says thats a 4:40 @ 250TSS.   But I'm not sure how good the BBS model is on that course.  I'm thinking it's about 5' optimistic.
2) Work on my position - I think I can comfortably go about 5mm lower up front and stretch out a few mm as well. I'll need a -40 degree stem then add some spacers back as needed.
3) Run stronger - make it a very clear strength- get more durable, drop down to 160-162lbs (5-6lbs lighter than the end of this season).  I had a good run at IMWI, but i still fell apart the last 10k.  I know I'm capable of more.
4) Swim stronger, straighter, smarter. IMWI showed me that if I can find a comfortable pace really early on and get with a good swim pack, the swim is easy... and much better than the long solo swim I've been used to.
5) Be more mentally prepared for transitions.  I made some bad mistakes in both of my 70.3's in transition that cost me 20-60 seconds.  At IMWI, I I could have gone at least 30 seconds faster between the two.
6) learn to maintain my legal spacing better.   Make sure at a glance, I clearly know how far 7M is.  Might have to mark the street in front of my house for a reference.

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